The new Samsung split air conditioner comes with an interesting feature, which is automatic current control, and it operates according to the following steps:
- First, you need to connect the external Wi-Fi piece to a national power source, making sure it's within a 20-meter range
- Then, you link the external Wi-Fi piece with the internal unit inside the split air conditioner by pressing the Auto Ampere button for ten seconds. The "AA" symbol will appear on the split air conditioner's screen, indicating that the linking process is underway, which requires 5 minutes
- Once the temperature appears on the split air conditioner's screen, it signifies that the linking process has been successful, and the automatic current control feature has been activated
- This feature allows the split air conditioner to operate at full power when the national power supply is available
- In the event of a national power outage and a switch to generator power, the split air conditioner will revert to automatic control mode, displaying the ampere symbol on the screen
This feature makes it easy for users to continuously and effectively utilize the split air conditioner without the need for manual intervention during power outages