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رمز المنتج: 65C655 Pro

شاشة تي سي ال 65-انج فئة C655 Pro - سمارت - 4K - QLED PRO - إصدار 2024 - 120هيرتز DLG

An advanced processor that uses AI technologies to analyze and enhance picture and sound quality in real-time. This processor can adjust brightness, colors, and contrast based on the viewed content and surrounding lighting conditions.

An interactive screen interface that provides an enhanced and easy-to-navigate user experience. It includes features like quick access to favorite apps and settings, making TV usage more convenient.

A sound system from ONKYO, featuring two-channel speakers with a built-in subwoofer, delivering high-quality surround sound and an immersive listening experience.

Dolby Vision•Atmos:
Advanced Dolby technologies enhancing the viewing experience. Dolby Vision offers improvements in picture quality with better contrast and colors, while Dolby Atmos provides a 3D surround sound experience, making the audio feel like it's coming from all directions.

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An advanced processor that uses AI technologies to analyze and enhance picture and sound quality in real-time. This processor can adjust brightness, colors, and contrast based on the viewed content and surrounding lighting conditions.

An interactive screen interface that provides an enhanced and easy-to-navigate user experience. It includes features like quick access to favorite apps and settings, making TV usage more convenient.

A sound system from ONKYO, featuring two-channel speakers with a built-in subwoofer, delivering high-quality surround sound and an immersive listening experience.

Dolby Vision•Atmos:
Advanced Dolby technologies enhancing the viewing experience. Dolby Vision offers improvements in picture quality with better contrast and colors, while Dolby Atmos provides a 3D surround sound experience, making the audio feel like it's coming from all directions.

معلومات المنتج
نوع الشاشة: QLED PRO
حجم الشاشة: 65 انج
الدقة: 3840x2160 بكسل
معدل التحديث: 120هيرتز DLG
تنسيق الفيديو: 4K
HDR: HDR 10+
نظام تشغيل ال سمارت: جوجل TV
واي فاي: يوجد
بلوتث: يوجد BT5.0
قوة الصوت: 15*2+20 واط
اصدار الHDMI: 2.1
عدد مدخلات الHDMI: 3
عدد مدخلات الUSB: 2
استهلاك الطاقة - عند التشغيل - عند الاستعداد: 0.5 واط
الابعاد - مع الستاند: العرضx1448الارتفاعx899العمق297 ملم
الابعاد - بدون الستاند: العرضx1448الارتفاعx835العمق70 ملم
الوزن - مع الستاند: 19 كجم
الوزن - بدون الستاند: 18.8 كجم
اللون: اسود
المزيد من التفاصيل

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ثلاث سنوات
Fast Shipping
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استلم طلبك في وقته، في أي وقت
دائماً موثوقة
دائماً موثوقة
نحن نبيع المنتجات الأصلية 100 ٪
Easy Return
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سياسة إعادة المنتج التي تمكنك من التّسوّق بسهولة
Secure Shopping
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ستكون بياناتك محمية دائماً
أسئلة واجوبة الزبائن

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